Investing in the Future
It has not been easy for small businesses. Keeping up with the times and staying “in the know” when it comes to technological advances has never been cheap without that…
There are so many benefits to hiring a Virtual Assistant that you may ask yourself why you never thought of them before. Yes, having an in-house face to speak with…
The Future of Small Business, Part Four
A LOOK INTO THE INTUIT 2020 REPORT The Intuit 2020 Report is a look at 20 trends that will shape the next decade for small businesses in demographical, social, economic…
The Future of Small Business, Part Three
A LOOK INTO THE INTUIT 2020 REPORT The Intuit 2020 Report is a look at 20 trends that will shape the next decade for small businesses in demographical, social, economic…
The Future of Small Business, Part Two
A LOOK INTO THE INTUIT 2020 REPORT The Intuit 2020 Report is a look at 20 trends that will shape the next decade for small businesses in demographical, social, economic…
The Future of Small Business, Part One
A LOOK INTO THE INTUIT 2020 REPORT The Intuit 2020 Report is a look at 20 trends that will shape the next decade for small businesses in demographical, social, economic…
Easy and Cheap Technology for Your Small Business
Some small business owners may consider “technology” to be a taboo word. Something they can only dream of understanding. The truth is, unless you are in-the-know from the start, chances…
Creating Boundaries Between Work and Play Creating personal boundaries can be quite a task when you own a small business. A large portion of this pertains to those…
Working from Home
The Pros and Cons of Home Offices As every Virtual Assistant does eventually, you may look around at the workspace in your “office” and believe that you are completely alone….
Mobile Phone Applications
How Virtual Assistants Stay On Top Of The Game 2011 is the Year of Business Technology. Oh, 2010 was not a bad year but with the explosion of smart phones…